Corbally United AFC

Founded 1979


Garda Vetting Clearance

Garda Vetting & Safeguarding clearance has become the new minimum standard for any coach and/or official/volunteer who wishes to participate and/or help at Corbally United events.

This is validated for 3 years at a time and will have to be updated once expired (coaches will be emailed when reapplication is due). 

If you are Garda Vetted with another Club or Organisation, please note this does not apply with the FAI.

Once you are validated by the FAI, your Club Secretary will link you to your age group profile allowing you to access your team.

This can also be viewed on phones using the FAI-Connect App. 

The benefits of using FAI-Connect will allow coaches to submit an online team-sheet to the referee along with the match fees. 

The referee will also have access to players who are eligible to play a particular age group.    

If you have already received your Garda Vetting and Safeguarding Certs, you will need to set up an FAI Comet account and upload your Certs and ID.


Details to proceed. 

1. Active Membership.
2. Garda Vetting.
3. Safeguarding 1 Refresher


Further Information:

Active Membership
Coaches, officials and volunteers must have an active membership.
To renew your membership click on the Corbally United website/ more / membership, or you can click here.




Garda Vetting   
Coaches, officials and volunteers who will be involved in competitions/events related to

Corbally United in 2023/24 must be Garda Vetted. 
This is a free service and it requires a little online work which we can assist you with.
Garda Vetting is valid for 3 years before it must be completed again.
You can find more information on the Garda Vetting process online.


1.You will need to fill out this form and email it to your Club Secretary.



2. Click the link below followed by "Book a Course" to begin.


If you have previously created a My-Comet account and log in and it reads ‘account does not exist’.

Click on “Forgot Password” – check your email – change password –

check your email again to confirm password change.


Safeguarding Training
This training can be done online. 
Safeguarding training is valid for 2 years before a refresher course is required.

Follow the tabs "Best Practice, Understanding Safeguarding, Recognising the Signs,

Responding & Reporting, and take the Digital Test.

Click this link to access this course.



FAI Connect Coach Profile

When your Garda Vetting & Safe-Guarding Certs are approved by the FAI,

please fill out this form and the Club Secretary will set you up with a coach profile on FAI Connect.


PDP 1 Coaching License / (only for active coaches)
Coaches who want to coach at competitions/events in 2023/24 should have completed a PDP 1 Coaching Course.
We will be in contact with coaches when next season's courses become available. 



Please watch this tutorial for a step by step guide. 



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